Extraction Condensing Turbines

Inlet Pressure: Low pressure to 138 ata
Inlet Temperature: Low temperature to 540 °C
Capacity range: 1 MW to 60 MW

Extraction Condensing Turbines
  • It is one of the most complex in terms of design and operation. It provides a constant pressure steam through a controlled extraction at various loading conditions of the turbine based on process variations.
  • A control valve in steam path is provided at a predetermined stage. A partial steam flow is drawn out of the turbine at a constant pressure to meet process requirement. Controlled extraction condensing type turbines are usually used in Co-generation application and offer maximum cycle efficiency to the user.
  • Arani can also provide customized bleed along with extraction, if desired.
  • Arani can provide Turbine for both Water Cooled Condenser and Air Cooled Condenser